Exchange Transport Service is  not starting


We stopped our exchange server machines. When we started it again Exchange Transport service is not starting. Can anyone help us in this regard?

April 26th, 2015 6:14pm

Hi AneesurRehman,

Thank you for your question.

We could restart the service of Microsoft Exchange AD topology ,then manually start the Exchange Transport Service, if not, check if there are other Exchange services which were not started, we could start other Exchange service before we start Exchange Transport Service.

If we didnt start any Exchange service, we could check if there are any Event IDs in Application Log. I suggest we post Event Id to for our troubleshooting. 

Best Regard,


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April 26th, 2015 10:07pm

Have you created any custom receive connectors? If you use a port number used by the hub transport default connectors on a custom receive connector of a frontend type, you will have this issue.

So for example, if you create a custom receive connector as a HubTransport and assign it port 25, this will cause the Transport service to not start, you can only use port 25 with FrontendTransport roles.

So if your custom receive connector has to be a HubTransport connector role, then use port 588 which is a port designated for HubTransports.

Of course this would only be your issue if you say created a custom receive connector but never restarted the services since. 

April 26th, 2015 10:15pm

Jim Xu,

Thanks for your suggestions. It is a bug in CU8 which was resolved  by Microsoft after opening a ticket.

Waiting for a fix from Microsoft.



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June 23rd, 2015 11:26am

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